Ship repair and conversions

Our ship yard delivers high quality ship repair and conversions. With a covered dock hall and all service workshops in close vicinity, the work is carried out in an efficient manner. Close collaboration between naval architects and the project team secure cost effectiveness, quick responses and complete conversions.

Ulstein Verft utfører skipsreparasjon og ombygging av høg kvalitet. Med ein overbygd dokkhall og korte avstandar på verftsområdet, vert arbeidet effektivt utført. Eit nært samarbeid mellom skipsdesignarane og verftet sine prosjektteam gjer at arbeidet er kostnadseffektivt, vi snur oss raskt rundt, og kan utføre fullstendige ombyggingar.

Service and aftermarket
Service and aftermarket

Service and aftermarket

Shipowners and operators face a rapidly changing maritime industry. They meet new and stricter regulatory requirements, and operations need to be more sustainable and energy-efficient. Further, vessels must ensure maximum value throughout their lifecycle.


Services and facilities

A trusted partner for ship repair, services and conversions

Please contact us for more information

