
We offer state of the art ship design and equipment package solutions for RoPax customers worldwide. Our RoPax vessels have the highest seakeeping standards with sustainable travelling in mind.

The innovative Color Line plug-in hybrid vessel, the 'Color Hybrid', was appointed 'Ship of the Year 2019',. The vessel was delivered by Ulstein Verft to ship owner Color Line in 2019, and is servicing the Sandefjord - Strömstad route.

RoPax portfolio
RoPax portfolio

RoPax portfolio

Ulstein has developed a range of variously sized X-BOW® vessels for the RoPax market.

RoPax portfolio
Color Hybrid
Color Hybrid

Color Hybrid

The world's largest plug-in hybrid vessel, the 'Color Hybrid', has been constructed by Ulstein Verft for Color Line. The ship is servicing Sandefjord – Strömstad. Follow the whole process here.

Building Color Hybrid

Please contact us for more information
