Delivering power and control systems to the Olympic CSOVs
Ulstein Power & Control AS has been chosen to integrate advanced power and control systems into two ULSTEIN SX222 Construction Service Operation Vessels for Olympic.
Ulstein Power & Control has landed an important contract as a system integrator and supplier of advanced hybrid power and control systems for Olympic’s Construction Service Operation Vessels of the ULSTEIN SX222 design. The solution is combining a large battery system with variable speed generators for optimising power production together with propulsion converters and power distribution. The power system is also equipped with a shore power connection for charging and emission-free port operations.
Marine Automation and Power package
The total system is monitored and controlled by ULSTEIN IAS (Integrated Automation System), ULSTEIN PMS (Power Management System) and ULSTEIN EMS (Energy Management System) based on the proven X-CONNECT platform from Blue Ctrl.
In July, Olympic Shipping contracted two shipbuilding contracts at Ulstein Verft, with two options.
“Olympic has challenged us in our solutions, and the cooperation between Ulstein and the ship owner is one of the success factors for this project. Together with the innovative ULSTEIN TWIN X-STERN® design and our power and control systems, these are state-of-the-art vessels,” said Rolf Ottar Rovde, sales manager of Ulstein Power & Control.
“Electrification and green solutions are becoming more and more important, and we are proud to be one of the players for such power and control solutions”.
Smarter, safer and greener
The Chief Operating Officer at Olympic, Marius Bergseth, states that: "Through close dialogue and good cooperation with Ulstein, we have developed a concept that will give the vessels a smarter and greener operational profile, compared to previous generations of such ships.
“We are confident that Ulstein will deliver high-quality products and systems at the right time, ensuring maximum operational utilisation while minimising the environmental footprint. By Olympic's environmental vision of increasingly smarter, safer and greener ships, we look forward to the delivery of next-generation CSOVs with industry-leading technology supplied by Ulstein".
The Ulstein Power™ is a complete package of power and control building blocks thoroughly evaluated, selected, and integrated into one complete system to secure optimised and energy-efficient solutions suitable for a wide range of vessels.
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