Hybrid power

Hybrid power solutions reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Depending on setup and operational profile, CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced. The hybrid system also allows for completely emission-free periods, which is making a great difference in terms of operational expenditure and sustainability.


Rolf Ottar Rovde | +47 901 05 673 | rolf.ottar.rovde@ulstein.com

Battery powered hybrid solutions

The Ulstein Hybrid Power Solution introduces a new element integrated into a ship's main power system where the added 'grid support functions' give new opportunities for flexible vessel operation. The system solution contains battery energy storage, power conversion and energy management as the main elements.

The holistic approach to vessel integration ensures the system to work seamlessly with the ship's existing power systems.

From the battery room on the hybrid powered offshore wind vessel WINDEA JULES VERNE.
From the battery room on the hybrid powered offshore wind vessel WINDEA JULES VERNE.

Hybrid power benefits

  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Reduced fuel consumption
  • Reduced emissions, also emission-free in some operations
  • Less wear and tear
  • Peak shaving for best operational results
  • Reduced operational expenditure
Battery room on the WINDEA JULES VERNE

Why you should consider a battery hybrid solution

Reduced emissions and engine load

Strategic Loading

Vessels sailing long distances are unable to sail on batteries only. In these cases, Ulstein's hybrid solution enables the crew to manage engine load fluctuations. The combustion engines are started and stopped according to a strategic schedule, where the hybrid power system is charged and discharged accordingly, saving fuel, energy and expenses.

Zero-emission mode

In zero-emission mode, the vessel is powered exclusively by the energy storage system. One major benefit is a cut in local emissions. The zero-emission mode functionality can be scaled from minutes of operation in harbour, to operations of vessels with predictable schedules in terms of activity and energy.

Smart DP Operations

Peak Shaving

When power demand fluctuates, combustion engines may not be operating efficiently. With hybrid solutions, this is a problem that’s easily avoidable. The hybrid power system increases efficiency, handling the peak loads by smoothing the load of the engines. This process prevents unnecessary start-up of standby engines, improving overall vessel efficiency.

Spinning Reserve

For operations requiring redundancy on power supply such as DP operations, more combustion engines need to be running than strictly required to support power demand. In these cases the hybrid power system can act as a source of spinning reserve energy, enabling the vessel to operate safely with fewer engines running.

How we work on hybrid-powered vessel projects

We can assist you throughout a shipbuilding project. We offer complete follow-up, starting with the design and engineering phases, through site support, pre-/commissioning and testing before delivery, and aftermarket services after the vessel has entered operations.

Holistic approach - suited for customer needs

We base our solutions on multidisciplinary teams, ensuring our customers get the professional support needed in each case.

Interface for our battery hybrid system.
Interface for our battery hybrid system.

Multi-disciplinary effort

With assistance from our dedicated experts, a multi-disciplinary effort secures delivery and quality for our customers. Our multidisciplinary teams consist of:

  • Project management
    • Planning
    • Business Analysis
  • Naval architecture
    • Arrangements
    • Hydrodynamics
    • Stability
  • System architecture
    • Electrical systems
    • Machinery systems
  • Structural engineering

Operational analysis

Another part of our holistic approach is planning and analysing customer needs and uses in hybrid energy solutions. In addition, we help with operational analysis. This ensures the vessels operating on our solutions are using it in the most efficient way possible.

Some aspects of operational analysis are:

  • Identify and define the energy storage system
  • Planning the physical integration
  • Define system capacities
  • Estimate fuel savings and emission reductions

Project execution

  • Planning and set-up
  • Retrofit or new vessel installations
  • Installation support
  • Site support
  • Pre-commissioning
  • Commissioning
  • Services and upgrades
Ulstein Equipment Delivery handed over to shipowner representatives in China. Photo: Marius Beck Dahle.

Retrofits and upgrades

Life cycle assessments

Life cycle assessment estimates environmental impacts of all stages in the vessel's life.

We continually work to provide the power systems with greater capability, higher productivity and enhanced quality of vessel performance. These improvements are offered on new solutions, as well as retrofits, conversions and upgrades of existing systems.

How we work with life cycle assessments in Ulstein.
How we work with life cycle assessments in Ulstein.

Please contact us for more information
