Ulstein Blue Box

The Ulstein Blue Box cloud services give you access to important and valuable ship data. Easy access, efficient bandwidth and encrypted connection make this a secure and economical investment.

Connect your ship with BLUE BOX
- accessing the ship’s big data

Bringing live ship data to shore
With the Ulstein Blue Box on board, vast opportunities are opened. Remøy Shipping installed the Blue Box as a pilot and reported that they reduced the fuel consumption by more than 10% by analyzing the ship's Big Data. The ship can be operated smarter and more efficiently. By transmitting data to land, the fleet and ship management can be handled much more effectively. Control and instructions of different conditions can be the key for making your fleet more competitive. By retrieving the data from the blue box cloud services, the ship owner can either access signals directly from one ship or get the operational management system up and running for the whole fleet. By analyzing your data to support you in decisions, you stand a better chance of getting the best out of the ship’s (or fleet) capabilities.

Analytics reduces environmental footprint
Analytics of fuel consumption has huge potential for cutting costs. By analyzing how a ship is operated, ship designs, the fleet and onboard technologies, the ship owners and the third-party equipment manufacturers will be able to offer services that significantly reduce the environmental footprint.

Safer operations
Human errors are reason for 75-96 %* of all incidents at sea, and by using analysis to support decision making marine operations will become safer.

Easy set-up and safe data handling
The Blue Box is easy to set up and can be done by the crew on board with support from service engineers from Ulstein. The hardware cabinet is delivered in two different versions, depending on the systems you have already installed. The data is stored in a high-availability data center, accessed through a standard PostgreSQL interface. The system is set up with a buffer of 14 days of connection downtime.

The Blue Box is built on the X-CONNECT® platform.

Read 'The Explorer''s introduction on this topic: Cloud services make ships smarter, safer and greener.

BLUE BOX – a step to make your ship smarter, safer and greener.
Scope of delivery of the BLUE BOX.
Scope of delivery of the BLUE BOX.

Source: *U.S Coast Guard Research and Development Center http://bowles-langley.com/wp-c...

Standard delivery

  • Vendor independent infrastructure from ship to cloud
  • Hardware cabinet with necessary components
  • Data buffer of up to 14 days of connection downtime
  • Configurable bandwidth usage
  • Easy access to data stored in high-availability datacenter
  • Credentials for accessing cloud database using PostgreSQL interface
  • Access to both filtered and unfiltered raw data
  • Built on X-CONNECT®
Blue box cloud services

BLUE BOX™ - facilitates UN's Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy

  • Improve monitoring, control and integration of alternative power sources for ships. For example, increasing efficiency in more energy sources that puts less stress on the nature through improved management.

SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • Help employees to make better decisions by providing insights based upon the analysis of complex data.
  • Help employees make better decisions about the tasks they are doing by providing relevant real-time information.
  • Create opportunities for new and innovative products, ship designs and service models.
  • Track and manage assets remotely and in real-time, allowing a more efficient use of the vessels.
  • Automate repetitive and predictable processes through smart IoT systems.

SDG 13 Climate action

  • Improve actions to reduce climate impact through better modelling and analysis of large, complex data sets.
  • Generate insight to help to improve the sustainable management of life and resources.

SDG 14 Life below water

  • Generate insight to help to improve the sustainable management of life and resources at Sea.

Please contact us for more information
