A responsible partner

Ulstein Group is headquartered in the community of Ulstein in Norway. We are present in several other countries around the world and vessels from us travel the seven seas. The things we do and the choices we make influence the world around us.

Creating tomorrow's solutions for sustainable marine operations Ulstein Group vision

Sustainable responsibility is reflected in our vision. It is our duty and dedication to contribute to a sustainable future for nature and the people depending on it.

We are committed to working in accordance with responsible, ethical and sound business principles, which are based on our visions and values that are set in our Code of Conduct as well as our policies regarding compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility. The contents of these policies are the foundation for our business and its purpose is to reflect and outline our vision and values and to function as a script to affect the attitudes and the culture within our company.

Green equals smart. We work to reduce the footprint of our activities and increase the life cycle value and energy efficiency in the vessels we build. Our designs and solutions seek to increase performance and reduce footprint. We also put a lot of emphasis on the safety and welfare of the ship crew, our own employees and the responsibility standards of partners.

Our activities within product development and innovation are all aimed at limiting the impact caused by our ship designs, built vessels, systems and solutions.