ESG reporting - Global goals for sustainable development

Ulstein’s vision is to create tomorrow’s solutions for sustainable marine operations. Our Sustainability (ESG) Report serves as our annual Communication on Progress (CoP) in terms of implementing the UN Global Compact's Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

In September 2015, countries adopted a set of sustainable development goals (SDG) to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. For the goals to be reached, all must do their part. Achieving the SDGs is a global imperative and requires a change from “business-as-usual” and a commitment to truly breakthrough innovation that challenges current mindsets as well as unprecedented collaboration across all sectors of society.

Ulstein Group supports the SDGs and is committed to making our prioritised SDGs part of the strategy, culture and operation of our company. We have identified four specific goals where we believe we can make the largest impact:

  • #5 Gender Equality
    #9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    #14 Life Below Water
    #17 Partnerships for the Goals

Effective in 2023, UN Global Compact has introduced a new CoP platform, transitioning from a narrative format to a standardised questionnaire supported by a digital platform. This makes it easier for the participating companies to measure and demonstrate progress on the Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals in a consistent and harmonised way and receive insight, learn and continuously improve performance by identifying gaps, accessing guidance and setting sustainability goals. The new CoP platform will be available from end 2023. Link to our previous CoPs: Dashboard Overview (

Our 2022 report is available for you via the link below.