Acta TBN 2

Construction Service Operation Vessel (CSOV) for the Offshore Wind Industry, capable of running dual-fuel Methanol and MGO with ample methanol tank capacity (380 m2). Based on the award-winning TWIN X-STERN® with main propellers fore and aft.



Built by

Tersan Shipyard



Owned by

Acta Marine

Designed by

Ulstein Design & Solutions AS

Ordered by

Acta Marine

Operated by

Acta Marine

Principal dimensions

89.9 m
19.2 m
Dead weight:
2,200 tonnes
Draught (max):
5.9 m
Speed (max):
12.8 kn
135 POB

Note: Subject to selected variant configuration


Deck area, in warehouse:
500 sqm
Deck area, on cargo deck:
440 sqm
Fuel oil:
450 sqm
380 sqm
CTV fuel:
65 sqm
Fresh water:
340 sqm
Ballast water:
1,500 sqm


  • 1A✠, SF, E0, Offshore Service Vessel, Strengthened (DK, HA), DYNPOS(AUTR), NAUT (OC), LFL Fuelled, Clean(Design), BWM(T), COMF-V(2), COMF-C(2), BIS, Recyclable, Battery(Power), ER(SCR, Tier III), SPS, Walk2Work

Featured solutions

Acta Marine was the first shipowner to contract vessels based on the highly optimised hull form ULSTEIN TWIN X-STERN, which offers unmatched workability in field and adverse weather conditions. In 2022, Ulstein was awarded the Best Industrial Design Company of the Year Award, for, amongst other innovations, the TWIN X-STERN.

  • Safe and step-less people transfer by 3D motion compensated gangway up to Hs 3.0 metres with excellent winter workability
  • 6t 3D motion-compensated knuckle boom crane for efficient cargo handling
  • State-of-the-art hotel facilities to accommodate 135 persons and ample deck space for cargo storage (940 m2)

Ship history

Contract signed: June 2022

Steel cutting: March 2023

Please contact us for more information

Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw
Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial director

Tel: +47 915 81 226