Martin Ulstein - founder of Ulstein mek. Verksted

Martin Ulstein was a mechanic, and established Ulstein mek. Verksted at the age of 23. On 9 August 1917, the establishment was announced, informing that the workshop could take on repairs of motors, winches and machines. Later, shipbuilding, equipment production and ship design lay the foundation for a global company.

Les saka på NORSK

Martin Ulstein was born on 13th December 1893 as number five in a family of seven brothers and sisters. His years growing up were very similar to most country boys from this part of the Norwegian coastline at the end of the 1800s and early 1900s: After elementary school and confirmation it was time to head to sea as a fisherman.

It soon became evident that Martin had a great interest and zeal for mechanics. He was not content to just let mechanics be an extra activity besides fishing. So he left for Ålesund, where he obtained versatile and practical training in mechanics.

Over time Martin Ulstein became a well-known figure in Ulsteinvik. He was what you could call an easy person – easy to get to know and easy to make decisions with. He was full of jokes and good at telling a fitting story. He was only 23 years old when he took the initiative to start the company that would bear such fresh fruit in the years to come.

The company he started in 1917, together with his brother-in-law Andreas Flø, was much more than a livelihood for him. While Andreas stayed on for a short while, the company was a way of life to Martin.

From around 1930 he became the sole owner of Ulstein mek. Verksted. Nevertheless, he still managed to get involved in municipal politics and other social tasks. He was, for example, the Municipality of Ulstein’s Liberal Party mayor.

Inga and Martin had six children, three boys and three girls: Dagny, Inger, Magnulf, Kolbein, Idar and Ragnhild.

Martin Ulstein died suddenly in the summer of 1948 on his way home from the County Council in Molde. He died just half a year shy of 55.