Visited by a Polarlys enthusiast


When the coastal speed ferry (Hurtigruten) Polarlys was delivered to TFDS in 1996, she was the largest single shipbuilding project that had been performed in the yard's history. 21 years after, Ulstein Group was visited by Ingrid Fritze, who has traveled with the Polarlys 12 times!

Read in Norwegian

Polarlys enthusiast Ingrid Fritze with friends visited Ulstein Group on May 11, 2017 in connection with an excursion on the coastal speed ferry Fram that had sailed to the Ulstein municipality. Ingrid has travelled on Polarlys twelve times.

"The first trip was in 2001, when I travelled all the way from Bergen to Kirkenes and back, she says.
"I am very excited about the ship, not only because I like ships, but because there is no stress and a big contrast to my job as a lawyer.

Polarlys was newly upgraded, and has now a modern interior style instead of the brightly coloured 1990s interior. "The new style is ok", says Ingrid - but I enjoyed the old charm!"

The Ulstein-built MS "Polarlys" and Kleven-built MS "Nordkapp" were named in a twin ceremony in 1996.

Ulstein Verft signed the contract with TFDS on April 27, 1994. The ship was yard number 223 at Ulstein Verft, and the shipyard was asked to create a new flagship for the ship owner. This ship is the third Polarlys vessel in Hurtigruten, the third ship is ten times as large as the first, which was built in 1912.

MS "Polarlys" is certified for 737 passengers. The large common areas include bar, showroom, cafeteria, dining room and conference room.

Hurtigruten enthusiasts Norbert Guter, Karin Hesseler, Birgitte Guter and Ingrid Fritzer on a visit to Ulstein.