Added value

Innovative ship designs and sustainable solutions. ULSTEIN contributes in creating a maritime industry that is highly competitive and green.

Insight in the connection between operational challenges and the application and implementation of new technology is essential in order to develop ships for the future. We work closely with operators, shipowners and equipment suppliers, to solve any challenge our customer might have to ensure vessels and solutions that are highly effective for any specific operation.

Crane maintenance on the subsea vessel 'Seven Viking' in the North Sea.
Crane maintenance on the subsea vessel 'Seven Viking' in the North Sea.

We combine our expertise with innovative thinking in order to provide new standards that will ensure long-term competitiveness. We design with a focus on safety, the environment, cost-efficiency, reliability and the total life-cycle cost of the product.

Innovative technology brings future maritime activities further from shore and into deeper and colder waters. Our goal is to deliver products and solutions that support this development. Our focus is on increasing the safety and the operational window as well as reducing the environmental footprint. We take the challenges of our customers and clients seriously, and we have the capacity needed to provide solutions for the future.

'Seaway Alfa Lift', a semi-submersible vessel for offshore wind transport and installation.
'Seaway Alfa Lift', a semi-submersible vessel for offshore wind transport and installation.
Studying ships in operations
Studying ships in operations

Studying ships in operations

Understanding operations is part of the Ulstein innovation strategy. Field trips are a structured approach to gain valuable insight in the operational aspects of a ship. Ulstein representatives have been on board several vessels during operations in the North Sea. Findings are used for further developing our designs.

Field trips