Quality in Ulstein

Our solutions make it possible for shipowners, operators and contractors to gain lasting competitiveness in their marine operations.

Keeping pace

Marine operations are complex and global. The standards for efficiency, safety and green responsibility are ever-changing. What was once acceptable, right up to recent times, may no longer be so. We help our customers keep pace - not only with the requirements of today, but also those in the future.

As a global and innovative supplier in marine operations, we provide cost-effective, safe and reliable products and services to players who think holistically and in the long term.


Cost-effectiveness related to fuel oil consumption and other resources is as crucial to the environment as it is to our customers. Less downtime for maintenance and other work is also important. A vessel from us delivers value creation and cost-effectiveness throughout its life-cycle.


A crucial part of any project is the importance of keeping the agreed delivery time, quality and price. Delivery precision is of vital importance to shipowners and other players who await equipment and services. ULSTEIN is a partner who delivers the right quality on time.


Accidents can cause injury among crew members, pollution and damage of property. Safety and the environment are not only ethical issues, but also a case of risk management. To us, it is important that all parts of the value chain deliver products and services that are safe and environmentally sound.