Health, Safety, Environment

The people in Ulstein are our most important resource, and our focus on Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) comes as a natural part of our daily work.

HSE Policy

  • Ulstein Group’s employees are our most important resource and together we shall develop a sense of well-being and a good working environment.
  • Employees and management shall continuously work to prevent injuries, accidents and strains.
  • Ulstein Group will strive for all its activities and products to have the least possible negative effect on the environment.

Least possible effect on the environment

Ulstein strives for all our activities and products to have the least possible negative effect on the environment through the following

  • 100% compliance with current requirements and regulations
  • Take measurable steps in securing that our products, processes and operations are more sustainable, including energy efficiency in our operations and recycling of materials
  • Focus on developing environmental friendly products, that will help our customers in reducing their environmental footprint

Working environment

We have employees from many different countries. The purpose of the Norwegian Anti-discrimination Act is to promote equality, secure equal opportunities and rights and prevent discrimination. We are active, focused and systematic in promoting the purpose of the law within our operations. These activities include, among others, recruitment, wages and working conditions, career and development opportunities and protection against harassment.

Efforts targeting the reduction of sickness absence and injuries are given high priority. All Norwegian companies in the group have entered into an agreement on a more inclusive working life (“IA-agreement”), and are committed to improving the well-being and working environment.


We take a precautionary approach to avoid injuries, accidents and strains. We keep a particular focus on the shipyard activities as they involve work in tanks, in height, on scaffolding and the operation of vehicles and cranes, as well as operations such as welding, cutting and lifting. At our shipyard, we have permanent HSE staff performing regular security inspections, as well as unannounced inspections. These inspections cover areas such as fire, gas leakage, the safeguarding of hazardous areas and safe work routines. We have strict rules for workers, as well as visitors to the industrial area, to wear safety gear including shoes, hard hats and safety glasses.

When working on missions at yards around the world, our employees keep the same safety standard as at our own yard.

Come home safely!

We focus on safe and healthy work environments for all people working on our projects. Through continuous consciousness on health and safety, we aim to get our people safely home.

Our commitment to safe working conditions also covers guidelines and requirements towards our cooperating yards and suppliers. We work to raise awareness about our performance and how to improve even more.


As part of our efforts to maintain a safe and healthy work environment, our safety representatives provides weekly HSE courses for all workers. The main purpose of the course is to ensure that all participants have received necessary safety training with regard to their working environment.

This includes being informed and educated in regard to safety equipment, regulations and guidelines, preventive routines and reporting, emergency and high-risk situations and in general how to conduct work in a manner which upholds and improves health and safety on site.

At the end of the course, all attendants will receive a mark from one of our safety representatives, confirming that appropriate HSE training has been completed.


Zero accidents and no harm to people, the environment or material assets.