X-BOW® yachts - turning visions into reality

Ulstein is a leader in ship innovation and has changed the world of ship design. With an iconic brand we have launched ships still unmatched. All this while continuously innovating systems and products through extensive research and development programs, always combining the latest technology with contemporary design.

Ulstein develops yachts that are standing out from the ordinary, with exceptional seakeeping qualities. We offer stunning exterior designs, with or without our patented X-BOW ®, precise deliveries, cooperation with renowned interior designers, and shipbuilding at our high-quality yard in Norway or at your preferred yard. We are turning visions into reality. At Ulstein, we can develop your concept with your own signature looks in yachts and yacht support vessels.

For each project we offer a wide range of designs and in-house technical, engineering and project management services.


Yacht designs

Yacht support designs

Dolphins playing in front of the X-BOW, photo by Christian Remøy.
Dolphins playing in front of the X-BOW, photo by Christian Remøy.

The X-BOW® is mimicking the world of sea mammals working with the elements. - Øyvind Gjerde Kamsvåg, Chief Designer Ulstein

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We can assist you with

  • Analysis - business investment plan
  • Ship exterior design - Norwegian design & quality
  • Cooperation renowned ship interior designers
  • Shipbuilding - Cooperation high quality shipyards worldwide
  • Newbuild site team, project follow-up
  • Service agreement
An CX128 Yacht Beach Club with sun deck

Please contact us for more information

Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw
Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial director

Tel: +47 915 81 226
