Covering the entire process
We possess unique expertise in design, engineering, installation, commissioning and upgrading. Our combined knowhow leads to production-wise ship construction. Our in-house engineering pool covering the whole aspect of shipbuilding, from the first advisory talks all through to testing and delivery.
Ulstein Verft AS -
Aftermarket services -
Global partners
Our designers, naval architects, technicians and engineers are specialised in various disciplines, and many have working experience from the ship production area at Ulstein Verft – a great mixture of experience and education. We take you safely all the way from the first meeting to ship delivery , and further on to aftermarket services, upgrades and updates.
We use a wide range of software programs for 2D and 3D engineering as well as document management handling, and have high knowledge of class requirements from various classification societies.
The entire process of building a ship, from first drawings to active service, gives us valuable insight. Throughout the process, we can identify possibilities for innovation. We are positioned to build ships for the future, where every step in the building process is improved and refined to cut costs and boost performance.
With a keen eye on the environment, we deliver a wide range of fuel-efficient special-purpose ships, including offshore oil & gas and offshore wind, cable-lay, expedition cruise and passenger ferries. Typical projects include the building of state-of-the-art ships with a large amount of sophisticated solutions requiring a high degree of project management and technical know-how. We also take on assignments that demand detail design, such as redesign, conversions and upgrades.
The dock hall at Ulstein Verft measures 140 m (l) by 55 m (b). Total dock length is 225 m. Is this too small for your project? Do you have a customer relationship with another yard? We offer shipyard support and system integration services worldwide, and have worked with numerous yards on most continents.
- Total arrangement and layout
- Design review
- Coordination and follow up
- Rules and regulations - IMO, Solas, Coast guards, Certification authorities
- Material knowledge
- Detail design