Blue Viking (Koenigsborg)

New name: Koenigsborg. She was built as a medium-sized platform supply vessel with an optimum combination of fuel efficiency and deadweight, and a capacity and performance close to larger PSVs. The vessel has been converted to a Walk-To-Work Emergency Response Rescue Vessel (ERRV).

Vessel type

Platform supply



Built by

Ulstein Verft AS



Owned by

Dixborg BV

Yard number


Designed by

Ulstein Design & Solutions AS

Ordered by

Blue Ship Invest AS

Operated by

Wagenborg Offshore

IMO Number


Principal dimensions

All specifications:
Newbuild data
83.4 m
18 m
Dead weight:
4,087 tonnes
6 m
15.6 kn
22 people
Deck area:
850 sqm

Note: Subject to selected variant configuration


Fuel oil (MDO):
1425 cbm
Fresh water:
1050 cbm
Ballast water / Drill water:
1770 cbm
Liquid mud (sp. gr. 2,8 t/m3):
1300 cbm
Brine (sp. gr. 2,5 t/m3):
1300 cbm
Cement (4 tanks):
254 cbm
LFL* (4 tanks):
153 cbm
Base oil:
259 cbm
1023 cbm


  • DNV 1A1, Offshore Service Vessel Supply, SF, E0, DYNPOS-AUTR, CLEAN DESIGN, COMF-V(3), COMF-C(3), LFL*, NAUT-OSV(A), DK(+), HL(+), ICE-C, OILREC

Featured solutions

Ship history

The ship investment company Blue Ship Invest (BSI), a part of Ulstein Group, ordered ten platform supply vessels of the PX121 design in the period 2010-2014. Eight were acquired by Nordic American Offshore (NAO). These have later been sold to various ship owners.

'Blue Viking' was delivered to BSI on 19 January 2015, and further to Nordic American Offshore (NAO) on 26 January 2015, together with a sister vessel, 'Blue Storm.' The name of the vessel was changed to 'NAO Viking'.

The vessel became number 8 in NAO’s fleet of PX121 designs, and is quite similar to the seven previous vessels, apart from its adaptation to the Norwegian Maritime Authority’s emergency manual NMD rescue (200), and alterations to satisfy requirements for oil recovery, minor outfitting changes and the installation of a larger crane.

In 2022 the vessel was sold to Dixborg BV and named Koenigsborg.

2015: Blue Storm and Blue Viking were acquired by Nordic American Offshore (NAO) on 26 January 2015.
2015-2016: The final two of the ten BSI vessels, Blue Queen and Blue King, were delivered to Blue Ship Invest.
2019: Nordic American Offshore changed its name to Hermitage Offshore Services Ltd, which became effective on June 4, 2019. All the vessels changed their names to the "Hermit" prefix.
2020: All vessels in the Hermitage Offshore fleet were acquired by Pearl Bidco AS, a company owned by DNB and SEB.

2021, 25 November: Wagenborg Offshore has signed an agreement for the deployment of a walk-to-work emergency response and rescue vessel (W2W ERRV). This vessel, the Hermit Viking, will be converted from a platform supply ship and will be equipped with an additional accommodation module for 40 people. Also, a motion-compensated gangway will be installed to comply with all requirements. She will be operated by Wagenborg Offshore as a standby and support vessel for the inspection and maintenance of unmanned platforms in the Southern North Sea. Early Q2 2022, the ship will receive a new name.

2022: Hermit Viking has changed ownership and name. The new owner is Dixborg BV and the vessel's new name is Koenigsborg.

2022, July: The Koenigsborg received the Vessel Conversion of the Year award.

Please contact us for more information
