Royal visit


HRH, the Crown Prince of Norway, is paying Ulstein Group in Ulsteinvik a visit on Tuesday, 2 June. He will be guided around the yard premises by CEO Gunvor Ulstein and production manager Roar Riise.

“The Crown Prince is an ambassador for the Norwegian industry on his international travels, and he wishes to keep updated within various types of industries”, says media responsible, Hilde Aure, in the county authorities of Møre og Romsdal. “This visit is part of a day trip to this county, where the Crown Prince first participates in the 'Dignity Day' program at Volda upper secondary school before arriving Ulstein Group.”
County administrator Lodve Solholm and Ulstein mayor Jan Berset are also participating.

The last time the Crown Prince was at the Ulstein premises was in 2001, as participant in a diplomat course. At that time, the dock hall was being erected, and the cable laying vessel ‘Normand Cutter’ was under construction.