Reduce risk with proven solutions


Ulstein Group is drilling down to bare essentials to focus on core capability and operability of the vessel, providing more cost effective solutions where the sophisticated add-ons are options.

“An offshore vessel will always be a large investment to the customer. All the ‘nice-to-haves’ keep forcing the price up,” says Tore Ulstein, deputy CEO and head of Markets and Innovation at Ulstein Group.

“Through analyses and research of the ocean areas according to the prevailing weather conditions, Ulstein Group has defined three specification levels for our vessels accordingly. The levels have been categorised as ‘Storm’, ‘’Gale’ and ‘Breeze’. They all have differentiated solutions, optimized to meet local requirements worldwide.”

Added value
“With capabilities and capacities adapted to sea state conditions in mind, we’ve gone through a process of simplifying (optimizing) our ship designs, which has resulted in a portfolio of compact and versatile vessels. They can be configured for a variety of functionalities to obtain the highest possible revenues at lowest possible cost, while keeping high operability for the areas of operations,” states Tore Ulstein.

A ‘Breeze’ vessel will be working in benign conditions, and has high revenue-making capacities and basic low-cost functionality. A ‘Breeze’ vessel will not need the same installation of power and propulsion, automation and redundancy as a vessel operating in harsher conditions. Vessels working in the most demanding areas, such as the North Sea, are developed to handle the most severe weather situations (‘Storm’ vessels), while vessels operating in moderate weather will be of the ‘Gale’ specification - a balance between the ‘Storm’ and ‘Breeze’ vessels.

Our portfolio of ULSTEIN PROVEN SOLUTIONS™ offers a wide variety of add-ons.

Proven solutions – reduced risk
These vessels' equipment packages safeguard the performance of the vessel and simplify the building process at the yard. Packages and integration deliveries from Ulstein Group reduce risk for all parties involved and secure the shipowner’s value-for-money.

A quality portfolio
The Ulstein brand is recognized world-wide. Our portfolio of vessels based on the ‘Ulstein design’ platform are acknowledged by oil companies and operators as high-quality, sophisticated products.

The X-BOW® reduces slamming and increases crew comfort in head seas. The newly launched solution for the stern, the X-STERN®, is also available. The X-STERN leads to safer operations, increased operability and substantial reduction in fuel consumption.

Above: An SX164 subsea vessel of 'Gale' specification.