2006: AHTS Bourbon Orca - Ship of the Year


Bourbon Orca, an ULSTEIN AX104 designed and built by the Ulstein Group, has been named “Ship of the Year 2006”.

Every year, the readers of the Nordic shipping magazine Skipsrevyen nominate Norwegian newbuildings for the title "Ship of the Year". Asle Strønen, publisher of Skipsrevyen and jury member in the Ship of the Year committee, says that never before has the magazine received as many nominations for one particular ship. “The interest in this vessel has been tremendous and the jury soon recognised Bourbon Orca as the only worthy winner of the contest,” he says. “Not only does the vessel fulfil all the criteria for being highly innovative, she is built on proven competence and her unique design adds value to the shipping industry,” says Asle Strønen.