Yno 225 - Western Pride
Yard no 225 built 1991 by Ulstein Verft AS, Norway for Western Atlas International Inc., Houston, USA

The vessel is designed by Ulstein International AS in close cooperation with Western Geophysical, and is executed by Ulstein Verft AS as yard no. 225. The UT 743 design is developed in accordance with the demanding requirements for silent operation at high capacity rements for silent operation at high capacity production. The vessel features a compact and efficient layout, providing a comprehensive arrangement of mechanical and electronic seismic outfitting, and a highly flexible, redundant and powerful propulsion and machinery package. The vessel is built to Det norske Veritas Class + 1A!, ICE-C, E0, HELDK, and to international rules and regulations as applicable for the subject type of vessel. Further the vessel satisfies IMO Res. A.468 (XII) as a general maximum noise level, with additional reduction of noise level in laboratories and related reduction areas. Special consideration has been taken from design stage and throug out the building program in order to minimise hydroacoustic noise generated by the vessel.
2017: Still active - IMO 9010125 Manager and owner: Western Geco, London, UK. Flag: Panama
Length over all: 71,5 m
Length between p.p: 61,2 m
Breadth, moulded: 17,0 m
Depth Main Deck: 7,6 m
Design draught: 5,4 m
Scantling draught: 5,9 m
Gross Tonnage 1969) below: 3000 GRT
DW (5,9 m) approx.: 1950 tonnes
DW (5,4 m) approx.: 1500 tonnes
Fuel oil (Ex.sys.tks.) approx.: 1230 m3
WB approx.: 920 m3
FW approx.: 230 m3
Cable oil, clean oil: 20 m3
Cable oil, dirty oil: 20 m3
Work deck area (Main deck): 740 m2 ((8000 sq.ft)
Recording room area: 200 m2
Helideck: CAA/DnV. AS 332 Super Pumpa
Accommodation 48 persons in total, of which:
- 5 suits with dayroom, bedroom and bathroom
- 5 two-man cabines
- 16 two-man bedrooms attached to dayrooms
- 1 two-bed hospital
Trial Speed (4,5 m): 15,7 knots
Design pull, 5 kn. 30 tonnes
Max. pull, 5 kn: 50 tonnes
Bergen Diesel,
Main engines 2 x BD 32 M6 each of 3300 BHP at 750 rpm.
Twin Screw propulsion, comprising:
2x1500 AGSC
controllable pitch propulsion plants, each with: Low noise 4-bladed skewed
CP-propeller, driven through a reduction gearbox with
two-speed PTO for shaft
Ulstein Propeller, bow thruster: 150 TV, 800 Hp, el. driven
Ulstein high lift rudders: 2 off
Shaft generator 2 x 1665 kVA, 450 V, 60 Hz
Aux.generator: 1 x 900 kVA, 450 V, 60 Hz
driven by one Cummins KTA 38 G1 diesel engine, rated at 1030 HP at 1800 rpm
Clean power: 2 x 78 kVA, 230 V, 60 Hz
Air compressors: 2 x Eureka / Ariel 2725, 2725 SCFM,
2000 psi, driven by Caterpillar 3516 Diesel engine
Life boats 2 x 48 person Enclosed
Life rafts As per Solas
MOB boat 1 x Seabear 23, with inboard diesel. Crane deployd
Work boat 1 x Seabear 23, with inboard diesel
Davit deployed
Norwinch Windlass: Type AV-33/38-36 K3.
Marine Electronics:
- Electronic remote control system. Main Propeller (PROCON)
- Joystick control system (POSCON)
- Electronic remote control system. Bow thruster (SITCON)
- Bridge control consoles
- Engine room console
- Starters (for el. motor)
- El. test board
- Engine room telegraph
- Microprocessor based alarm system (with dead man system and printers)
Radar: Furuno FAR-2822, XBand ARPA-, 120 NM Rang x-band (3 cm), ARPA, 72 miles
Radar: Furuno FAR 28305, SBand ARPA 96 NM Range
Inmarsat: JRC JVE 45A MKII Voice/Telex/Fax
Radio (to
FMDSS Requirements):
Skanti TRP8150DS Duplex SSB MF /
HF, 750 watt
Skanti TT3200 Radio Telex System
Skanti RS7100DX VHF Duplex (2)
Skanti VHF Simplex (1)
Skanti TR6102 Ground to Aircraft (AM/VHF)
Panasonic 450 MHZ Cellular Telephone
Skips Navigation:
Tokyo Keiko Gyro compass System
Robertson AP9 MKII Autopilot
Furuno FSN-50 Transit Satelite RCVR
Furuno GP500 GPS Satelite RCVR
Furuno LC 90 MKII Loran CRCVR
Furuno FD 525 VHF Direction Finder
Furuno TDC-318 mF/HF Direction Finder
Furuno FE 680 Echo Sounder - Range to 2100 meters
Furuno Fax 208A Weather facsimile RCVR Ben Marine Electronmagnetic Log
Trane & Trane standard C Inmarsat (telex)