
ULSTEIN supports many voluntarily run clubs and organisations, particularly those that work for the benefit of children and youths.

ULSTEIN supports activities and organisations within areas such as sports, culture and humanitarian work, with a focus on children and youths. The aim of our sponsorship activities is to contribute to the communities we are part of, and to express our values innovate, engage and advance.

We are main sponsor of SOS Children’s Villages in Angola, and a major contributor to the Ulsteinhallen athletics arena in Ulsteinvik, Norway.

We do not sponsor political organisations, school/educational trips, individual persons or groups of people not belonging to an organisation/a team.

How to apply for sponsorship



Since 2008 we have been main sponsor to Dimna Sports Club. The club has fostered several athletes, one of them Karsten Warholm (young version above), today a world champion in 400m hurdles. Ulstein also supported the club’s initiative on constructing a multi-purpose sports hall, Ulsteinhallen, which opened in 2015.



The Hødd sports club in Ulsteinvik has its main activities in football, gymnastics and handball. We sponsor various levels in the three activities.
